We wrote a book!

Start Painting Now
Out now!


I am so excited to introduce our book, Start Painting Now, written with my sister Emily Powell, a professional artist! I’ve always struggled with being a perfectionist and being afraid to start something in case I fail but Emily and I have been painting together for 5 years now and during that time she has helped me let go of fear and embrace the joy of the creative process. We wanted to be able to share this journey with others who might find themselves in a similar situation and Start Painting Now is the result.

In both my personal and professional life I have been blown away by the power of creativity to enhance your wellbeing and Start Painting Now is packed with tips and ideas that you can use not only for painting but also in other parts of your life, such as overcoming fear of failure or learning to say no. On the painting side there are tips and tricks to get you painting, guided tasks to get you started and we also introduce you to 12 of our favourite female artists. I challenge you to read this book and not be desperate to pick up a paintbrush and Start Painting Now!

Book launch events

We were invited to paint the front entrance of Great Ormond Street Hospital on 11th-12th June

See more about our entrance paintings here

Window painting and book signing at Edge of the World bookshop, Penzance 18th June

See the painted windows here

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