

Me with my sister and co-author of Start Painting Now, Emily Powell


I am primarily a painter and love to use bright, colourful work that brings joy to both me and my audiences. I also enjoy getting out and about with my sketchbook - on the moors, by the sea or just hunkered down in a nice warm cafe!

Although I’ve always loved creating art, it’s not until the last few years that I’ve really made it a key part of my life. After becoming completely burnt out in my work as a doctor, I took a year out to do an access to art course at our local college. This was honestly one of the best decisions I have ever made and since then both me and my art have flourished.

In the past couple of years I’ve started running workshops with my sister Emily Powell, both in person and online and I’ve loved the buzz and energy that comes from these sessions. We wanted to share this creative buzz with as many people as possible and have put all we have learnt into our book, Start Painting Now.


Medicine and Research

I’m a GP working in the NHS in Devon and a cancer researcher at the University of Exeter but I’ve taken a long and winding route to get here. 

I studied medicine at the University of Cambridge and during my studies I was also able to do a degree in the History and Philosophy of Science (when I wasn’t rowing or playing football!).

After qualifying I moved to London to work at University College Hospital as a junior doctor and after a year moved to Wellington, the beautiful capital of New Zealand, where I continued my work for 2 years, with a brief stint living in Sydney.

Back in the UK I spent a year in Cambridge, completing research into Parkinson’s and teaching at the medical school before moving to Devon to finish training as a GP.

During my GP training I was awarded an academic fellowship which allowed me to spend some of my time doing research, this time into how to diagnose people with cancer earlier, in order to improve outcomes.

  • MRCGP, Royal College of General Practitioners (2021)

    MBBChir, Cambridge University School of Clinical Medicine, Distinction (2010)

    BA, University of Cambridge, Clare College, Natural Sciences 2.1 (2007)

  • Wellcome funded NIHR School for Primary Care Research Clinicians PhD Fellowship (2022-2026)

    NIHR School for Primary Care Research GP Career Progression Fellowship (2021-2022)

    NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship in Primary Care (2015-2020)

  • Peer reviewed publications

    Moore SF, Price SJ, Chowienczyk S, Bostock J, Hamilton W. The impact of changing risk thresholds on the number of people in England eligible for urgent investigation for possible cancer: an observational cross-sectional study. Br J Cancer. 2021 Sep 16;1–5. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41416-021-01541-4

    Griffiths WJ, Abdel-Khalik J, Moore SF, Wijeyekoon RS, Crick PJ, Yutuc E, et al. The Cerebrospinal Fluid Profile of Cholesterol Metabolites in Parkinson’s Disease and Their Association With Disease State and Clinical Features. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2021;13:335 https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2021.685594

    Clark CE, Warren FC, Boddy K, McDonagh STJ, Moore SF, Goddard J, et al. Associations Between Systolic Interarm Differences in Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes and Mortality. Hypertension. 2021 Feb 1;77(2):650–61. https://doi.org/10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.120.15997

    Wijeyekoon RS, Moore SF, Farrell K, Breen DP, Barker RA, Williams-Gray CH. Cerebrospinal Fluid Cytokines and Neurodegeneration-Associated Proteins in Parkinson’s Disease. Movement Disorders. 2020;35(6):1062–6. https://doi.org/10.1002/mds.28015

    Kuźma E, Lourida I, Moore SF, Levine DA, Ukoumunne OC, Llewellyn DJ. Stroke and dementia risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Alzheimers Dement. 2018 Nov;14(11):1416–26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jalz.2018.06.3061

    Moore SF, Valle Guzman N, Mason SL, Williams-Gray CH, Barker RA. Which Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Participate in Clinical Trials? One Centre’s Experiences with a New Cell Based Therapy Trial (TRANSEURO). J Park Dis. 2014;(4):671–676. https//doi.org/10.3233/JPD-140432

    Editorials and book chapters

    Barker RA, Farrell K, Guzman NV, He X, Lazic SE, Moore SF, et al. Designing stem-cell-based dopamine cell replacement trials for Parkinson’s disease. Nature Medicine. 2019 Jul 1;25(7):1045–53. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-019-0507-2

    Moore SF, Hamilton W, Llewellyn DJ. Harnessing the power of intelligent machines to enhance primary care. Br J Gen Pr. 2018 Jan 1;68(666):6–7. https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp17X693965

    Moore SF, Barker RA. Cell-Based Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease. In: Joseph Jankovic, Eduardo Tolosa, editors. Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2014.

    Moore SF, Barker RA. Predictors of Parkinson’s disease dementia: Towards targeted therapies for a heterogeneous disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2014 Jan;20:S104–7. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1353-8020(13)70026-9

    Selected Abstracts

    Moore SF, Hill L, Llewellyn DJ. Implementing a novel clinical decision support system to enhance identification of patients with dementia (DECODE): GP assessment of acceptability and feasibility. Society of Academic Primary Care Annual Scientific meeting, London, July 2018.

    Moore SF, Pringle K. Staining of amniotic fluid with intestinal waste products correlates with intestinal peel in infants with gastroschisis. International Foetal Medicine and Surgery Conference, Queenstown, NZ, March 2012.

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